List of agencies
Country | Seed certification agencies | Address | Head |
AUSTRIA | Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety | Spargelfeldstraße 191 1220 Wien Austria | Andreas RATZENBÖCK |
BELGIUM | Flemish Region: Agentschap Landbouw en Zeevisserij Afdeling Landbouwsteun en Productkwaliteit Walloon Region: Service public de Wallonie (SPW) Département du Développement, de la Ruralité, des Cours d’eau et du Bien-être animal Direction de la Qualité et du Bien-être animal | Flemish Region: AGENTSCHAP LANDBOUW EN ZEEVISSERIJ Afdeling Landbouwsteun en Productkwaliteit Koning Albert II-laan 15 bus 360 B-1210 BRUSSEL Tel. : +32 2 214 48 48 Walloon Region: Service public de Wallonie agriculture ressources naturelles environnement Département du Développement, de la Ruralité, des Cours d’eau et du Bien-être animal Direction de la Qualité et du Bien-être animal 14 Chaussée de Louvain, 5000 Namur Tel. : +32 (0) 81 64 96 17 Fax : +32 (0) 81 64 95 44 | Ruben FONTAINE |
BULGARIA | Executive Agency of Variety Testing Field Inspection and Seed Control | 1113 Sofia, "Tzarigradsko shosse" bul.125, bl.1 BULGARIA | Bistra PAVLOVSKA |
CYPRUS | Department of Agriculture | Louki Akrita Avenue, 1412 Nicosia, Cyprus | Dr Androula GEORGIOU |
CZECH R. | Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture – Division of Seed and Planting Materials | Za Opravnou 4, 150 06 Praha 5 The Czech Republic | Barbora DOBIÁŠOVÁ |
DENMARK | The Danish Agricultural Agency | The Danish Agricultural Agency Plants & Biosecurity Nyropsgade 30 DK-1780 Copenhagen V | |
ESTONIA | Agriculture and Food Board | Teaduse street 2, Saku, 75501 Harju country ESTONIA | Riina KOIDUMAA |
FINLAND | Finnish Food Authority | Tampereentie 51, FI-32200 Loimaa, Finland | Leena PIETILÄ |
FRANCE | SEMAE Direction de la Qualité et du Contrôle Officiel (SOCFrance) | SEMAE Direction de la Qualité et du Contrôle Officiel (SOCFrance) 44, rue du Louvre 75001 Paris FRANCE | Anne-Laure FONDEUR |
GERMANY | The Bundessortenamt | Osterfelddamm 80 30627 Hannover Germany | Friedhilde TRAUTWEIN |
GREECE | Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food Directorate General of Agriculture Directorate of Propagating Material of Cultivated Plant Species and Plant Genetic Resources | 6 Kapnokoptiriou str. 10433 Athens GREECE ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΑΓΡΟΤΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΟΦΙΜΩΝ ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΑΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΟΥ ΥΛΙΚΟΥ ΚΑΛΛΙΕΡΓΟΥΜΕΝΩΝ ΦΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΙΔΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΦΥΤΟΓΕΝΕΤΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΡΩΝ Καπνοκοπτηρίου 6 -Αθήνα 10433 –Ελλάς | Dr. Sotirios KOSMAS |
HUNGARY | National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) Directorate of Agricultural Genetic Resources (MGEI) | 1024 Budapest Keleti Károly utca 24. Hungary | Gábor VÁRSZEGI |
ICELAND | Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST) | Austurvegur 64, IS-800 Selfoss, Iceland | Hrönn Ólína JÖRUNDSDÓTTIR |
IRELAND | Crop Policy, Evaluation and Certification Division Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine | Backweston Farm, Leixlip Co. Kildare, Ireland | Barry O’REILLY |
LATVIA | State Plant Protection Service | Lielvardes 36, Riga, LV 1006, Latvia | Kristine LOMAKINA |
LITHUANIA | The State Plant Service under the Ministry of Agriculture | Ozo str. 4A, LT-08200 Vilnius LITHUANIA | Arvydas BASIULIS |
LUXEMBOURG | Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture Administration des services techniques de l’agriculture (ASTA) Service de certification des semences et plants | Administration des services techniques de l’agriculture B.P. 1904 L-1019 Luxembourg | Franz KREMER |
MALTA | Plant Protection Directorate | Plant Health Directorate Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights 110, Annibale Preca Street, Lija LJA 1915, MALTA | Dennis SCIBERRAS |
NETHERLANDS | NAK Naktuinbouw | NAK Randweg 14 P.O. Box 1115 8300 BC Emmeloord The Netherlands Naktuinbouw Sotaweg 22, 2371 GD Roelofarendsveen, The Netherlands P.O. Box 40, 2370 AA Roelofarendsveen, The Netherlands | Laura van BEZOUWEN (NAK) and Peter van NIEUWKOOP (Naktuinbouw) |
NORWAY | MATTILSYNET Norwegian Food Safety Authority | Norwegian Food Safety Authority National Approvals Department Felles postmottak P.O.Box 383 2381 Brumunddal Norway | Pia BORG |
POLAND | Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection | Jana Pawła II 11 00 - 828 Warsaw Poland | Andrzej CHODKOWSKI |
PORTUGAL | Direção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV) | Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária General Directorate for Food and Veterinary Campo Grande, 50 1700-093 Lisboa, PORTUGAL | Paula CRUZ GARCIA |
ROMANIA | National Inspection for Quality of Seeds General Directorate for Anti-Fraud Control and Inspection Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development | Bvl. Carol I 24, Sector 3 020921, Bucharest Romania | |
SERBIA | Plant Protection Directorate | Omladinskih brigada 1 11070 Novi Beograd Republic of Serbia | Nebojša MILOSAVLJEVIC |
SLOVAKIA | ÚKSÚP (Ústredný kontrolný a skúšobný ústav poľnohospodársky) Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKSÚP), Department of Seeds and Planting Materials | Matúškova 21, 833 16 Bratislava, Slovak Republic | Marta ANDREJČÍKOVÁ |
SLOVENIA | Uprava Republike Slovenije za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection Plant Health and Plant Reproductive Material Division | Uprava Republike Slovenije za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection Dunajska 22 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIJA | Mag. Katarina GROZNIK |
SPAIN | General Directorate of Agricultural Production and Markets Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food | General Subdirectorate of Agricultural Means of Production and Spanish Plant Variety Office (OEVV) 33 Almagro St. - 7th floor 28071 Madrid | José Antonio SOBRINO - General Subdirector of Agricultural Means of Production and Spanish Plant Variety Office (OEVV) |
SWEDEN | Swedish Board of Agriculture | Swedish Board of Agriculture Seed unit Österleden 165 SE-261 51 Landskrona Sweden | Sanja MANDURIC |
SWITZERLAND | Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG Sustainable Plant Protection and Varieties +++ Agroscope Competence Division Plants and Plant Products Seed Certification Service | Schwarzenburgstrasse 165, 3003 Bern +++ Reckenholzstrasse 191, CH 8046 Zurich | Paul MEWES |